Jewish Tradition

Modern Education

Timeless Values

Registration is now open for
the 2024 - 2025 Religious school year!

Complete this registration form and email it to

Click HERE for the 2023 - 2024 School Calendar

Registration for Religious School 2020 - 2021 is underway. Please contact Cantor Boyle or the TBT office if you have not gotten a registration form.

For more information contact Ira Wise, Temple Educator at or 203-245-7028

Temple Beth Tikvah Religious School is a K-12 supplemental Jewish educational program.  Our students are here to acquire foundational Jewish knowledge, to be creative, to have a community, and to develop a sense of Jewish belonging that will serve them lifelong.  Our dedicated teachers are creative and energetic, eager to share their knowledge and passion for Jewish life with the next generation.

2023 - 2024 Schedule


  • Grades K-7 9:30 AM -12:00 noon

  • Grades 8/9 11 AM -12:00 noon

  • Confirmation 9:30 AM -10:30 AM

  • Tefilah for all families 10:30 - 11 AM


  • Grades 3-7 from 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM

First Day
of Religious School
SUNDAY, Septmeber 10

To Register for the 2023-2024 Religious School year email Ira Wise, Interim Education Director at or call 203-245-7028.

School Curriculum

Part of a Sacred Community: K – Grade 2

Discover the core of your heritage in this experiential program.   Celebrate holidays, sing the prayers of our Siddur, explore the synagogue, and investigate your roots as you enter the Jewish community. 

Tools of our Heritage: Grades 3-7

Come hear the story of our people and the traditions that have sustained us for generations. Hebrew with the innovative Mitkadem program comes alive, weaving deeper layers of meaning into prayers both familiar and new.

TIKKUN: A Unique 8th & 9th Grade Program

Justice based, our 8th & 9th graders focus on projects in the community at large that explore Tikkun Olam.

CONFIRMATION: Grade 10. Study weekly with the Rabbi as we explore the Jewish Bible in more scholarly ways. This class culminates in our Confirmation Service which is run completely by our 10th graders.

The Chain of Tradition: Grades 11-12

Take your Jewish knowledge to a new level.  Learn about hot topics, ethics, and spirituality with the Rabbi at the popular monthly discussion group jChat, and work with our younger children in the classroom as our Chaverim and Madrichim

Congratulations to the TBT 2023 Confirmation Class!

...and the youth shall see visions.
.בחוריכם חזינות יראו...
— Joel 3:1