TBT Women - Kol Ami

Kol Ami – Voices of Friends
Open to All Women at TBT!

Kol Ami is the TBT women’s group.  Kol Ami sponsors spiritual, social, cultural and educational programs which are of particular interest to the women of TBT. 

Do you have a suggestion for an activity or a great movie to watch? Would you like to facilitate a movie discussion? New ideas for Kol Ami? Let us know! Contact Loren Sterman or Cher Richmond.

Rosh Chodesh Sivan

Thursday, June 6 at 7:30 PM on Zoom

Please bring a candle, a glass of wine or juice, and a notebook.

The Zoom link will be in your weekly email.

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September 2023

Special thanks to all our Garden Gathering Kol Ami members, Rena Powell and Tannus Schlam and, most recently, Amy Lipper. She and John were most gracious and their gardens are lovely! Special thanks to Tannus for her hard work on this great new addition! We hope we can make it an annual event!

Our regularly scheduled programming will start in October (except for hikes which continue).
Be on the lookout for a kickoff event…perhaps another wine tasting, movie nights and our monthly Rosh Chodesh celebration as well as other surprises coming your way.

How about a reprise of last year’s Chanukah swap?! Have ideas for programming? We want to know! Please contact us at the emails below. Meantime, we hope to see you on Sept. 9th for Selichot and the consecration of our new sanctuary. It will be a beautiful evening.
And then on to The High Holidays!
L’Shana Tovah, Cher Richmond and Loren Sterman

Kol Ami Hikes
The Kol Ami women’s group is out hiking in the woods weekly. All levels invited. If you want to be on our email list to find out when and where our hikes will be, please RSVP to Lisa Harding. It’s beautiful out there. Come join us!

Jewish Journeys - Everyone Has a Life Story
We would love to share more of our congregants’ Jewish life experiences together!
Please contact Donna Fedus, if you are willing to talk to the congregation during a Zoom program, about your family’s history or a meaningful experience you have had.

This program is made possible, in part, by Temple Beth Tikvah’s 2 Way L’Dor V’Dor program, with support from a Community Grant for the Jewish Elderly from the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven. The project aims to increase opportunities for social connection and intergenerational understanding by inviting congregants of all ages to interact.

Helena Schanzer shared her story at a Jewish Journeys presentation and with our Religious School students. Read about it HERE.

Kol Ami Ongoing Hikes

Now that the weather is improving and we are literally able to stop and smell the flowers, we would like to re-invite all the women of Kol Ami to join our hiking groups.  Please let us know if you would like to be on our email list for our weekly hikes and/ or you would be interested in leading hikes.  There has been a hardy group of us that have gone out all winter and now with increasing vaccination rates and decreasing Covid cases in our community, we can increase our numbers.

Please respond to Lisa Harding HERE.

Kol Ami Women are enjoying year-round hikes.  If you are interested, contact Lisa Harding, hike coordinator, to let her know:
Would you like to participate and/or lead a hike?
What days and times are you available?
Do you prefer an easy, moderate, or difficult hike?
What is a comfortable distance of a hike for you?

January 2020
We welcome your participation in the start of a vibrant new women’s group. 
The focus of the group will be determined by your input. This is an opportunity for your ideas to shape our gatherings.   We have already heard enthusiastic interest in social, educational, spiritual, and cultural programming.