TBT Calendar

Our Shabbat Schedule can be found on the homepage HERE and the Shabbat page HERE.
Check your email each Wednesday and Friday for the current weeks events and for Shabbat and weekend activity links.
If you would like to join our Shabbat email list, please contact the office, office@tbtshoreline.org

Our services are held in the sanctuary at TBT. They are also available streaming on YouTube. Click HERE to watch the service. Click this link to learn how to view the live stream.

There is a printable calendar in your monthly Shofar.
Schedules and offerings often change quickly.
Check your email and the homepage of the website for the most up to date information.

The 2024 - 2025 Religious School Calendar is HERE

Many of our meetings and classes have a Zoom option.
If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, Zoom has many easy to follow, helpful tutorials which can be found HERE.
If you have been invited to join a meeting by Zoom and need a quick introduction, you can find “How to Join a Zoom Meeting” HERE, and, “Additional Guidelines for Zoom Participation” HERE.