2024 - 2025 Temple Beth Tikvah Board of Trustees

Josh Broder, President (You can reach Josh HERE.)
Jodie Ambrosino, President Elect
Stephanie Boms, Vice President
Marlene Schwartz, Treasurer
Leslie Powell, Secretary
Sabrina Maurer, Director of Development and Financial Planning
Rachel Bloom, Director of Education
Andrea SanMarco, Director of Human Resources
Elliott Gordon, Director of Membership and Engagement (You can reach Elliott HERE.)
Heide Mueller-Hatton, Director of Religious Activities
Jason Gold, Director at Large

Ex Officio Members of the Board
Karen Goldberg, Immediate Past President
Rabbi Danny Moss (non-voting)

Leadership Council – Committee Chairs and Group Coordinators
Leadership Council Chair, Karen Goldberg
Chaverim (Men’s Group), Steven Stoll
Chesed (Caring Committee), Amy Lee and Leslie Hyman
Communications Committee, Sue Groll
Facilities Committee, Ben Muskin
Kesher (Activity Groups), Marlene Schwartz
Kol Ami (TBT Women), Susan Lustig and Tina Silidker
Kulanu (Combating Antisemitism), Louis King and Irma Grebel
Programming Committee, Karen Rabinovici, Nancy Rosen and David Rosen
Social Coordinator/ Event Planning, Gary Damiano
Social Justice Committee, Robin Baslaw and Susan Smith
Youth Activities, Kim Handelman