President's Column

President's Column - Summer 2024

Dear TBT Family,

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Josh Broder, and I am deeply humbled and honored to begin my tenure as your President of Temple Beth Tikvah. Allow me to share a bit about myself and my journey to this momentous role.

I grew up in Waterbury, Connecticut, where my entire family has roots. My mother attended Temple Israel (Reform), and my father was a member of Beth El (Conservative), which is where I spent my formative years. Although Beth El no longer exists and has since been replaced by a Yeshivah, the memories and values instilled in me there remain vibrant.

My brother and I attended Ezra Academy, a Schechter day school in Woodbridge, CT (K-8), which profoundly shaped us both religiously and secularly. Our 8th grade class trips to Israel in the 1990s were particularly transformative. Inspired by seeing her sons receive a strong Jewish education, my mother, who grew up in the Reform Movement in the 1950s and early 1960s, had an adult Bat Mitzvah in her 40s. Remarkably, her tutor was Cantor Irving Pinsky, the same person who helped me prepare for my Bar Mitzvah in 1993.

After graduating from Ezra Academy, I attended Holy Cross High School in Waterbury. It was a stark contrast, as I was the only Jewish student there. This experience broadened my perspective, preparing me for the diverse world beyond the sheltered environment of Ezra.

I then pursued my studies at UConn, majoring in accounting. During my time there, I became an active member of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity (AEPi). In my final year, I served as an undergraduate supreme governor on the international board of directors, visiting chapters nationwide and advocating for Jewish students' rights on college campuses. My involvement with AEPi continues to this day, and many of my closest friends are brothers from those memorable years in Storrs, CT.

In 2003, I began my career as a financial advisor with what was then American Express Financial Advisors, now Ameriprise Financial. Today, I own and run a large franchise called Centurion Wealth Management, with offices in Cheshire, North Haven, and Dayton, OH. Our team of 11 is dedicated to helping clients achieve their financial dreams.

On a personal note, my wife Alison and I were members of CBSRZ for five years before joining TBT in 2016, as our son Cooper prepared to start religious school. Cooper will become a Bar Mitzvah on September 7, later this year. We love traveling the world, and I enjoy sports, fast cars, and cooking for friends and family.

In Karen Goldberg’s last column as President of TBT, she mentioned Al Goldberg’s wise words: you don’t have to know how to do everything in this position; you just need to surround yourself with others who do and are willing to help. This philosophy guided me in assembling our new Board of Trustees for the next two years. We have a diverse and talented group—new to the board, new to the shul, younger, older, male, female—who will work together to make our community the best it can be.

TBT is a place where everyone feels welcome, without constraints to joining, where all are treated as equals, and our shared bond of Judaism unites us in faith, prayer, community, and love. I pledge to uphold these values and traditions and encourage everyone to get involved in ways that resonate with you—whether through committees, special events, religious school, preschool, adult education, Kesher groups. If there is something you feel is missing, please let me know so we can work together to make it a reality.

Thank you for your confidence in me. Please do not hesitate to reach out for anything you need moving forward.

Todah rabah meod (thank you very much)!

Warm regards,

Josh Broder, President, Temple Beth Tikvah

President's Column - June 2024

A Journey from Hope to Gratitude

The first time I addressed you during the High Holidays of 2022, I spoke about hope. At that time, our congregation was navigating significant changes and challenges: we had a new Rabbi, were seeking anew cantor-educator, and managing a major construction project that tested us at every turn. Services were held in various locations, we were stressed about raising money for our capital campaign, and construction obstacles led to delays and increased costs.

Despite these challenges, I held on to hope.

Dear Friends,

Today, in my final Shofar column as your President, I want to speak about gratitude.

Gratitude is a central theme in Judaism. As it says in Deuteronomy, "When you have eaten your fill and have built fine houses and live in them, and when your herds and flocks have multiplied, and your silver and gold is multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied, do not exalt yourself, forgetting the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.… Do not say to yourself, 'My power and the might of my own hand have gained me this wealth.' "

At TBT over the past two years, we have indeed "eaten our fill"((with record attendance at the Legacy / Chai member dinner, the Passover Seder, and the Gala), rebuilt our fine house (with a beautiful sanctuary), grown our flock (increased membership by 40 families in the last 2 years), and multiplied our silver and gold (continued success of our capital campaign). I do not say "my power has gained me this wealth." Instead, I say Toda Raba (Thank you very much) to my family, to my synagogue community, and to G-d.

We have so much to be grateful for. Our building stands as a testament to our resilience, and our growing membership and vibrant programs reflect our community's vitality. Our religious school is flourishing under our new temple educator, Ira Wise, and our preschool, under the direction of Jen Casillo, is full with happy, well-loved, playful children. Our teens are attending BBYO events in large numbers, our b'nei mitzvahs have been doing beautifully, and our Rabbi is busy teaching, singing, leading services, and providing pastoral care. Our Chesed Committee is providing meals to the sick, helping with Shivas, and giving rides to our congregants. Our Kulanu Committee has been leading efforts to engage both our community and the interfaith community in important conversations about antisemitism. Our Kesher groups are active, with eight different affinity groups involving 60 congregants. We had a new members brunch with over 40 attendees. And, we are about to celebrate TBT at our first annual gala. The health ofour synagogue is strong.

TBT is strong because of all of you. It has been incredible to see so many of you step up when I have asked you to volunteer your time, expertise, and money.

Thank you to those who joined the board, even when you didn't want to.

Thank you to those who chaired different programs, despite your hesitations. Thank you to those who worked hard on our security committee.

Thank you to our members who have served on our search committees. Thank you to our party planners and decorating gurus.

Thank you to our committee members who make our services spiritual and beautiful and our programming rich and relevant.

Thank you to our parents who help improve our religious school and our preschool.

Thank you for caring about each other and stepping up to be with each other at all of life's moments - joyful and painful.

And thank you to our amazing staff: Rabbi Moss, Ira Wise, Jen Casillo, Kim Romine, Chris Lancio, Herman Solivan, and our Preschool and Religious School Teachers. None of us would be here without you. Thank you for all you do.

I remember telling Al Goldberg, when he asked me to consider being president, that I couldn't because I knew nothing about finance or creating a temple budget. He replied that I didn’t need to know how to do each piece of the job; I just needed to surround myself with people who do. That was great advice, and I am so thankful to all of you who have made these two years successful. It is challenging to be a temple president, but it has also been fulfilling and joyful.

Gratitude fills my heart as I reflect on our journey together.

Our congregation embodies resilience, community, caring, and faith.
I am profoundly honored and thankful to have served as your president.

Karen Goldberg, Temple President

President's Column - May 2024

Dear TBT Family,

April was an extraordinary month for me as Temple Beth Tikvah's president, marked by both profound sorrow and joyful anticipation. As a community, we mourned the loss of two young people: gathering to pray, sit shiva, and share our grief. At the same time, we were hard at work planning our Community Seder and preparing for the 1st Annual Gala — a joyous occasion full of hope and excitement.

The month's events symbolized the duality of life, with its heartache and happiness, and highlight how Temple Beth Tikvah is our home through the highs and lows. It is a place where we come together for comfort and companionship during times of sadness, and for laughter and celebration during times of joy.

In moments of loss, we often say "Zichrono l'vracha," which means "may their memory be for blessing." This phrase carries deep significance within our tradition, offering a sense of comfort and hope as we navigate grief. This week I thought about why we say "for blessing", instead of “may their memory be a blessing.” The use of "for blessing" suggests that the memory of our loved ones has a future-oriented impact—it can inspire positive actions and encourage us to honor their legacy by continuing their good work. This week, as I reflected on the lives of Sara Koenigsberg and Josh Lipshutz, I thought about how their memory can inspire us to be better and do better. To their grieving families, I say, "May their memories be for blessing."

Despite the sadness we've felt, I am excited to invite you to our temple's First Annual Gala on June 1st. This event marks a significant step in our congregation's journey. Our new building is more than just a structure; it's a testament to our resilience and dedication. It's a place where we gather, as we did last month for b'nei mitzvahs, funerals, Shabbat services, our Chai/Legacy Dinner, Community Seder, and so much more. It's a space that will serve as a source of strength and community for generations to come.

The Gala will be a night to remember, filled with joy, connection, and celebration. We'll enjoy Havdalah, delicious food, music, dancing, and an auction. This is our chance to come together, make new memories, and celebrate Temple Beth Tikvah.

I look forward to seeing you all on June 1st.

Warm regards,

Karen Goldberg Temple Beth Tikvah President

President's Column - April 2024

Dear TBT Family,

With the arrival of spring, we are greeted with the gentle warmth of the sun and the promise of new beginnings. For me, this season signifies the blossoming of flowers in my garden, the return of geese to the lake, and the anticipation of celebrating Passover together as a community. It fills my heart with joy to announce that after our time in exile, because we are back in our beloved building, we will be gathering for a Seder on April 26th. (RSVP here)

I hold wonderful memories of my dear friend Sharon Besser, may her name be for blessing, who tirelessly organized this Seder for many years. I can only imagine her delight in knowing that we are continuing this cherished tradition once more.

Passover holds a special place in our hearts as it commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from the horrors of slavery in ancient Egypt. It stands as a testament to the unwavering faith, resilience, and divine intervention that guided our ancestors through those dark hours. As we observe Passover, we are reminded of our journey from bondage to freedom and the enduring values of faith, perseverance, and justice that have sustained us through the ages.

The Seder not only allows us to come together with our families, friends, and fellow members of the TBT community, but also serves as a time for introspection and reflection. It is an opportunity to deepen our connection to our rich heritage, express gratitude for our blessings, and strengthen the bonds that unite us as a sacred community.

In the spirit of Passover, may we find renewal, inspiration, and strength in our shared traditions and experiences. I extend a heartfelt invitation to each one of you to join us as we break Matzah together and celebrate the blessings of freedom and community.

I am deeply grateful to the Passover Seder Committee, comprising Kate Lee and Jon Katz as chairs, along with Nancy Rosen, David Rosen, and Gloria Kindman, for their dedicated efforts in ensuring that this evening will be both beautiful and meaningful. Your hard work and commitment are truly appreciated.

Chag Pesach Sameach – may this Passover be filled with joy, meaning, and abundant blessings for us all. Karen Goldberg

President's Column - February 2024

Dear TBT Family,

Last week there was a New York Times Opinion piece entitled “Train Yourself to Always Show Up.” It caught my attention not only because this is one of my life’s mottos but also because it referenced the Mishnah. The text Middot 2:2 describes a ritual from the time of the Second Temple. Thousands of Jews would climb to the Temple Mount and walk in a circle in the plaza. Most people would walk counterclockwise. Meanwhile, the people suffering would make this same ritual walk but they would walk in the opposite direction, clockwise. This way the downtrodden would get comforted by the other people passing them. Those who walked counterclockwise would offer a blessing: “May the Holy One comfort you. You are not alone,” and then would continue to walk until the next person approached.

How proud I am to be a descendent from a tradition like this. Our ancestors understood the transformative power of our presence in the lives of others. In a world that is constantly buzzing with activity, it’s easy to get caught up in our own hectic schedules and responsibilities. However, our souls are enriched when we extend ourselves beyond our personal sphere and embrace the opportunity to support and uplift one another. In times of joy, our presence magnifies the celebration; in times of sorrow, it provides a comforting embrace. The simple act of showing up for someone can make a world of difference.

Our Chesed committee is working to create a community of caring for our fellow congregants. We want to create a culture not only of helping those in need, but also the expectation that if something difficult happens, you call the temple, you reach out, you let us know that you need care. I am sure that many of us are willing to step up to help. I suspect that the more difficult challenge for our congregation will be to ask for help. In our fiercely independent society, it feels weak to admit we are suffering. I, however, would say that it takes great strength to reach out when you need a helping hand. We all must learn to both give and receive.

In this spirit, you will all be receiving an invitation to sign up on a platform called Helping Hands. This does not commit you to do anything. It will just allow us to email you when the Chesed committee identifies a need. It may be for rides, visiting a sick congregant, making food for a mourner, etc. I hope to get a great response from our devoted community.

I will end the way I began, with the ritual from our ancient text. Sometimes we will walk counter clockwise but there will be times when we walk against the current. I pray that TBT, our Jewish tribe, can support us while we walk the walk.



President's Column - January 2024

Dear TBT,

Happy New Year! As Jews we are lucky to celebrate the new year not once but twice a year. As we do on Rosh Hashanah, we now have the precious opportunity to reflect on the passing year and commit ourselves to positive change and growth for 2024.

What was your resolution? Google tells me that the top resolutions are 1- quit smoking, 2- exercise more, 3- eat healthier, 4- lose weight. I must admit that some of these have been on my list in the past. Now I am looking for something more meaningful, more specific, more spiritual.

I encourage each of you to consider making a meaningful resolution that will enrich your spiritual lives and contribute to your overall well-being. Whether it’s dedicating more time to prayer and meditation (Shabbat services, Saturday morning meditation), extending acts of kindness and compassion to others (Chesed committee), learning something new (Israel book group, Talmud study group, Torah study group), making new friendships (Haverim/ Kol Ami groups), or working to make our community and world more just (the social justice committee). Let’s embrace these resolutions with sincerity and dedication.

My resolution is to make a better effort to meet and get to know our new TBT families. We have had over 30 new families join TBT in the last few months. This speaks to our new beautiful building, the strength of our religious school and preschool, our meaningful services, our interesting and fun programming but mostly it speaks to the need for Jews to gather in community together. We need each other. We need to know that we are not alone. On February 11th, I will be hosting a new member’s luncheon at my house. If you have joined the synagogue in the last year, you will be receiving an invitation. I hope you will come. I am so happy to have you join our TBT mishpacha and want to get to know you.

I am proud of the strength of our community in 2023. I reflect on our first high holy days back in our renovated synagogue, our vibrant religious school with our new director, our full preschool with noisy happy children, our Israel vigil right after Oct 7th, our volunteers planting a beautiful garden, our book club (over 50 strong) to discuss the history of the Israeli-Palestinian crises, and most recently our Hannukah gathering with over 100 people lighting menorahs and eating brisket and latkes. May we grow on these strengths in 2024.

May the coming year be filled with blessing, spiritual growth, and peace. Peace in the Middle East, peace in our country, peace in our homes and peace in our hearts.

Happy New Year,
Karen Goldberg

President's Column - December 2023

Dear TBT family,

Reflecting on the recent season of Thanksgiving, I am deeply moved by the whirlwind of emotions over this past week. My extended family gathered 20 strong in Boston and had a beautiful Thanksgiving only to then rush to Washington, D.C. as my father-in-law entered hospice and then passed away. At this moment, I choose to focus on gratitude. I am grateful for my brother and his wife who host Thanksgiving every year and for my car that drove me over 900 miles this week. I am thankful for the good health of my husband, children, and parents, and for the kindness of hospice nurses. I am thankful for cornbread stuffing and for having the honor of holding Marv’s hand as he took his last breath. I am also especially thankful for the support and solidarity within our temple community.

It is times like this when it is especially obvious how important our Jewish home is. The strength of our community, evident in your care and empathy, has been a guiding light through these moments of darkness. My dear neighbor who is not Jewish talked to me after our service and said, “I am always jealous of the Jewish people. They know how to do death right.” We do. There was joy, sadness, celebration, love, songs, prayers, hugs, and lots and lots of food.

As we move forward, let us carry the spirit of Thanksgiving today and every day, recognizing and appreciating the value of gratitude. I often remind myself of a bumper sticker that caught my attention. It said, “Someone is praying for something that you are taking for granted.” Death teaches us to appreciate the here and now, to remember what is important, and to not worry about things that really don’t matter.

I am immensely grateful for each member of our TBT family and the friendship, traditions, and faith that connects us. Your continued support uplifts and strengthens us. May our ongoing journey together be filled with shared blessings and moments of profound gratitude.

Toda Raba,
Karen Goldberg

President's Column - November 2023

Dear TBT family,

I can’t believe it has only been one month since I wrote my last shofar column. It feels like years ago. A month ago I had no idea that Hamas was planning a deadly terror attack on Israel that would launch our homeland into a war. I didn’t know I would be helping to organize a vigil of solidarity for our community. I never thought I would have to rush to the synagogue after we received a threatening email or that I would be meeting with tearful preschool parents who were frightened about the safety of their children. It never occurred to me that antisemitism would erupt on our college campuses. I didn’t anticipate the need for security guards and police to protect us in our holy space. I feel like we have been living through a nightmare and I just want to wake up back in September.

I always try to keep these columns positive, and I’m sorry, but I just don’t have it in me today. This weekend was really hard. It was supposed to be parents’ weekend at my daughter's college in Maine. Instead, she came home after being in lockdown in her dorm for two days. She was traumatized. And then today, I wake up to find out that there was a violent threat against Jews at Cornell, the university my son attends. There are now armed guards outside the center for Jewish living and the Jewish fraternities. This is what our children are living through; this is what we are living through.

Sometimes we will be strong and forge ahead with gratitude and hope. But other times, we will just feel exhausted, frightened, and hopeless. This is when our Jewish community is so essential. It was such a comfort to come to the wine tasting last night and get hugs and support from my friends and my TBT family. Thank you, it made a difference to me. I want TBT to be able to provide that for you as well. This is what it means to be a true, genuine, sacred community.

Karen Goldberg

President's Column - October 2023

Hi Friends,

What a magnificent High Holy Day season we just experienced together. As many of you know, I broke my wrist right before Kol Nidre so I am currently typing with my left hand. I will therefore cheat and share with you an abridged version of my president's address from Rosh Hashanah.

This season of reflection and renewal calls us to explore the essence of our faith and our values. So, I will take this opportunity to ask you about our synagogue’s values. Here is my question. If you had to pick one thing that our temple should provide, what would it be?

For me, it is connections. Connections to each other, connections to our creator, connections to our heritage. The Hebrew word for connections is Kesher.

In a world where technology is dominating more and more of our lives, I often wonder if this brings us closer together or further apart. Did you know that Snap Chat has a new feature called a virtual friend. You can ask it questions about trivia, it can offer you advice and can help plan what to make for dinner. It gets to know you over time and changes its responses based on your likes and dislikes. That’s kind of cool? Maybe kind of scary? My perspective, as a pediatrician, is that despite how technologically linked we are, teenagers are more lonely, more anxious, and more depressed than ever. I don’t believe that the answer is more medicines or more therapy (although these often do help). I think the answer is more KESHER.

In this ever-changing world, it is our connections that provide us with stability and meaning. They remind us that we are not alone on this journey, and they give us the strength to face whatever challenges lie ahead. This is what our children need, and this is what WE need.

We at TBT want to help forge these connections, so this year, we are forming small interest groups that will meet monthly. We are calling this new program, you guessed it, Kesher. There are so many other ways to experience connections at TBT. Come to a Shabbat service and then stay to shmooze at the oneg. Come inside when you drop your children at religious school and join us for T’filah. Help our wider community through our social justice committee.

Come join Kol Ami on our hikes, movie discussions, wine tasting, or the book club. Join Haverim for whatever it is they do. Come meditate Saturday morning, and then you can be nice and relaxed for Torah Study.

So please take a moment during these High Holy Days, to reflect on one thing that you can do to deepen your connections to each other, to Temple Beth Tikvah, and to our broader Jewish community.

Our synagogue stands as a testament to these enduring connections. Over the last three years we have adapted, learned to pivot, and we have remained flexible and strong. Our commitment to our values, and to our community, has never wavered. We are here in our new sanctuary because so many of you share this love for TBT and realize the importance of supporting our Jewish community on the shoreline. We are here, more specifically, because we were able to raise over $7 million through your donations. So, I would like to say a sincere and heartfelt Todah Rabbah. However, our work is not done.

During Selichot we heard Rabbi Offner ask for forgiveness for the delays in this building project. On Rosh Hashanah, it was my turn to ask for forgiveness. Many factors contributed to making this project more expensive than anticipated 4 years ago. We now have a bank loan that accrues interest every day. It is my goal to pay it back fully over the next two-three years. I am asking you all to help us meet this goal. If you are able, please contact me about an additional donation, or a first-time donation, to our ongoing capital campaign. As Theodore Herzl said, “if you will it, it is no dream.”

My dream for all of us at this High Holy Day season is to achieve deep reflection, sincere repentance, and profound connection. May the bonds that unite us as a congregation grow even stronger and may the connections we form today continue to guide us on our spiritual journey in the days, weeks, and years to come. Shana Tova.

Karen Goldberg, President

President's Column - September 2023

Dear TBT friends,

This is a time of great transition for me and my family, as well as for all of us as a TBT congregational family.

My youngest child just left for college, and as the saying goes, we now have an “empty nest.” It is a challenging transition. Phil and I certainly feel great loss when we return each night to a clean, quiet, and calm (boring) home. However, it is intensely rewarding to see my three children pursuing their dreams, and to know that the foundation we helped them create has contributed to their sense of purpose.

This reflection is similar to how I feel about our High Holy Days this year. The sacrifice and the work we put into creating our sacred space while continuing to build community, is finally coming to fruition. This year, we are blessed to celebrate the High Holy Days in our synagogue after three long years of exile.

First and foremost, I want to express my sincere gratitude for the incredible sense of unity and resilience that our TBT community has displayed throughout the last three years. Despite many challenges, your unwavering commitment to our shared faith and values has been a source of inspiration.

The High Holidays are profoundly significant in our tradition, offering us the opportunity for introspection, renewal, and reconnection with our spiritual roots. I look forward to sharing these experiences together in our beautiful new building. So, please join us for Selichot on September 9th, when we will consecrate our Sanctuary and bring our Torahs home.

In closing, I must admit that I don’t really like the empty nest metaphor. I prefer to think of my home as a fun, exciting retreat center, or even as a serene, replenishing spa. A place where my kids can come when they need some TLC, want to reconnect, or simply need a place to think, to relax, and to grow. This year may Temple Beth Tikvah also be such a place for all of you.

Karen Goldberg