President's Column - September 2017

Shalom. I am writing this column on a beautiful August summer afternoon. Summer.
Every year we look forward to it. End of school. Vacations. Beaches. Family time.
Time to read and reflect. Time to get long stalled projects done. Time to think about
the year ahead, to plan before the hectic schedule returns in September and summer
fades into memory.

Temple Beth Tikvah is no different. Its rhythms change in the summer. Our shift to 6:00pm Shabbat services on all summer Fridays has been well received, and we are making good use of the outdoors. Two beach Shabbats and a Shabbat “under the stars” on our patio have made use of the natural beauty that surrounds us and has brought our community together in new

It is also time, believe it or not, to prepare for the High Holidays that renew our spirits each year. The clergy are hard at work preparing meaningful services, volunteers are organizing children’s services, and the High Holiday choir is rehearsing. Our Religious Activities Committee, chaired by Heide Mueller-Hatton, is working closely with our clergy to bring it all together, and all congregants are welcome to participate in the work of that committee
and add their voices and ideas.

The Social Justice Committee, co-chaired by Sarah Mervine and Tina Silidker, have begun organizing a full slate of activities for the fall to help improve the world, as TBT’s mission statement dictates. At a time when our nation is experiencing hateful violence and we are bombarded with caustic rhetoric in the daily news, TBT does its part to celebrate humanity and assist all who are in need, whether it’s providing food to families, building homes, or collecting supplies for school children. Come to that committee’s next meeting on September 12th to help shape its agenda and contribute to its mission.

Our Programming Committee, chaired by Gary Damiano, is already working to design exciting programs for us this fall (stay tuned!), and Gary would welcome your assistance. And then
there’s our Education Committee, co-chaired by Peter Chorney and Deb Coe, coordinating closely with the Cantor to give us a school and curriculum designed to educate and enlighten our Jewish youth. The start of school is around the corner, and we have a full slate of teachers ready to inspire our children. Come add your input to this important endeavor. Several more
commitees are doing important work, to be discussed in future columns.

May the remainder of your summer be meaningful (and fun!).
Jeff Babbin