Shalom. Summer is almost here, I have my vegetable garden planted, and the warmer weather and longer days all have us hoping for better times ahead. Your leadership, both clergy and the lay board, are carefully following the health guidance from our local and state leaders. We also have created our own synagogue committee with knowledgeable congregants to guide our decisions and programming through the summer and beyond. We are all hopeful to have some limited, in-person, socially distanced outdoor services or programs this summer, and we will be guided by the experts on what is both allowed and safe.
Regardless of what form it takes, we will be welcoming Cantor Jennifer Boyle to TBT in early July as our new Cantor-Educator. Cantor Boyle will bring her energy and talent to the Bimah and to the Religious School. She already has “Zoomed” with the B’nei Mitzvah families to introduce herself and ensure continuity. The co-chairs of our search committee, Sue Groll and Loren Sterman, are now co-chairs of our transition committee. Working with our Education Co-chairs Peter Chorney and Deb Coe, they will ensure a seamless hand-off from Cantor Stanton to Cantor Boyle. Please also calendar Friday, June 12 at 7:15 p.m. for a live, Zoom Shabbat service where we will say good-bye to Cantor Stanton and celebrate all that he gave to this community in the last two years.
This column is also my good-bye column as TBT President. But I’m not really going anywhere. After three years as President, I am transitioning to Immediate Past President, so I will continue to serve on the Executive Committee and Board and look forward to working with your new President, Sarah Mervine, in the next couple of years. It has been an honor and pleasure to be TBT’s President, to meet so many more of you and really experience the love this congregation has for TBT. It has also been an honor and pleasure to work closely with the clergy, staff, and all of the lay leaders on TBT’s Board and committees. TBT has a bright future, and I look forward to seeing it all unfold.
As they say in Israel, l’hitraot. See you again soon.
Jeff Babbin