President's Column - November 2021

Dear TBT Friends,

If someone would have told me that in 5782 we would welcome our new rabbi in a barn, I am not sure I would have believed them. Then again, if someone would have told me I would have my daughter’s bat mitzvah service at a summer camp, I am not sure that would have made sense either. Certainly I would have been confused to know about Friday Shabbat services on the lawn of a church!

And yet, that is what we have done this year – a barn, a camp, a lawn of a church, even Simchat Torah on a basketball court – and it has all been truly wonderful. As someone said to me, it took a pandemic for us to realize just how pleasant it is to pray outside.

More than anything, it has taught me just how much TBT likes to come together – virtually or in odd places – and how being together, praying together and celebrating together is one thing that remains joyful in the pandemic.

Welcoming Rabbi Moss to TBT in that barn was no exception. Many of you came out in person or online to watch his installation and I really thank you for being a part of it all. It was a celebration not only of Rabbi Moss, but also of the strength of TBT and the community, people and clergy that have helped us grow into the congregation we are today.

One day very soon we are going to be in our newly renovated building – where we will have some covered outdoor space as well as new indoor space to gather. We know that when we can all be back together safely inside of our new building will be a great day. And yet I hope we remember our resilience through this time and note that the original pioneering spirit of TBT has not died down. It is that spirit we will take with us to our newly completed building. I look forward to that day but, in the meantime, I also look forward to running into you – at Camp Laurelwood, on a hiking path, on a Zoom or in the TBT parking lot!

Sarah Mervine