Rabbi's Column - Summer 2022

Dear TBT Friends,

In my magical, seemingly never ending summer days at camp OSRUI in Oconomowoc Wisconsin, we often cited this aphorism: every day is like a week; and every week is like a day. I feel the same about the year gone by: it has been so rich and full, but at the same time, I marvel at how quickly my first year as your rabbi has passed! It’s hard to believe that at this time in 2021, Susan and I were settling into our home, exploring the Shoreline for the first time, and beginning to meet all of you! What a wonderful year it has been.

As American Jews, we mark the new year at different times: we have Rosh HaShanah and the Gregorian New Year, of course; but also Tu Bishvat (the new year for trees and all things green) and, in the congregational world, the the fiscal year, which begins on July 1st. This is a meaningful time of transition at TBT, as we welcome a wonderful new Board and President: Dr. Karen Goldberg. At the same time, we offer a heartfelt todah rabbah (thank you very much) to Sarah Mervine, who served with dedication over the last two years.

Continuing the theme of exciting new beginnings: as we bid lehitra’ot (farewell) to Cantor Boyle, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Leah Cassorla as our new Religious School Director and Cantorial Soloist. Dr. Cassorla brings a wealth of experience, creativity, and passion to this role, and she is eager to get to know our TBT families. Soon, we will announce special gatherings this summer in which you will have the opportunity to meet her, tour the TBT construction site (I can’t wait for you to see the progress!), or both.

As the kids head to camp and many of us head to vacation or family gatherings, I wish everyone safe travels and a wonderful summer. I look forward to seeing you throughout the next few months — on the Green, at TBT, or perhaps for Shabbat on the Beach!

Rabbi Moss