Dear Friends,
I addressed the issue of anti-Semitism in my sermon on Rosh Hashana morning. I noted that anti-Semitic incidents are on an historic rise in this country and all over the world. We can’t delude ourselves…. that means right here in our sweet Shoreline home as well. One sermon is not enough to counter and respond to this terrible phenomenon. That is why we are committed to addressing the issue of anti-Semitism and of all kinds of hatred directed against the ‘other.’ At the same time we must work together with other faith communities to foster the bonds of mutual respect.
Two important events are upcoming in November. We are most honored to have Tom Scarice, the Superintendent of the Madison Schools (pictured, right), coming to TBT to address important issues about how we teach our children in these difficult times.
I am also honored to participate in an important interfaith program with an Imam and a Priest that is coordinated by the Foote School and open to all.
Please join us for these events and commit to being a part of the solution when it comes to addressing anti-Semitism, racism, Islamophobia, and other hatreds.
Rabbi Offner