A friend recently told me that we all need a healthy dose of optimism right now, and I quipped back “what is that new drug and where do I find it?” It really has felt like optimism has been in short supply during this long winter. However, this evening I attended a meeting with the upcoming B’nei Mitzvah students, their families, Cantor Boyle and our soon to be new rabbi, Rabbi Moss. Looking around at all of those young faces excited and eager to become full-fledged “adults” in the eyes of TBT did fill me with optimism for our future and made me start to think about what other “healthy doses” there are right here at TBT.
For one, even as we remain away, our building is steadily being renovated. The old roof is coming down and the new roof is going up, city water is being hooked up, the new additions are being dug for our community room, expanded bathrooms, new kitchen and an elevator which will allow anyone to visit the first floor! Our sanctuary is being redone so all can fit and the new ark doors are under design. Less glamorous, but no less important, structural, and utility upgrades are also planned. It is happening as I write and, whenever we can return and be together, we will have a new, beautiful, accessible space to visit.
We are also steadily raising the money for this dream. We have reached almost $5.2 million of the $8 million goal. We need everyone’s help to make our new building a reality but, so far, the participation rate has been great. Our community is coming together to build it.
Along with the building, TBT members are being treated to some excellent programming – including a new class on Jewish Biblical History taught by Josh Lecar. If you missed the first one, do not worry, it is a series so there is time to join the next one - just contact Bonnie Mahon in the office. Or join the Power of Love presentation by Yad Vashem Sunday, March 7 at noon.
Speaking of Purim, by the time you get this we will have celebrated together and even managed to do a virtual Purim carnival for the kids! I hope the celebration helped cheer you along with the “Mishloach Manot” that were passed out to sweeten your celebration.
As we head into the spring after a long winter together, I am feeling very optimistic about what the future holds for all of us at TBT. I hope you are able to take advantage of some of TBT’s offerings and thereby find something that makes you take heart and feel that healthy dose of optimism we all really need right now.
Sarah Mervine