For those of you who were able to attend the Annual Meeting, you heard how TBT has been charging ahead in these difficult times and is doing quite well. We are on stable footing financially, our membership is growing as others move into this area, we have a thriving Preschool thanks to our amazing director and teachers, and have managed to hold Religious School, programs, and services throughout the year. Our Capital Campaign has raised just over 5 million dollars and has received a matching gift of $750,000 to see what can be raised by June 30, 2021. Many of you have answered that match and we have raised $100,000 ($200,000 with the match) towards that goal!
In short, I am proud of our progress and our ability to come together this year. However, if you were at the meeting you may have also heard the not entirely surprising news that our building renovation, while progressing nicely, will be slightly delayed.
What does this delay mean for us? Luckily for the Preschool, Religious School and Administrative wing, it should not affect anything. These areas will be complete by August 2021, so there will be plenty of time for inspections and licensing before the new school year begins. There will be small areas, such as the new entrance, that are not quite done, but everything will be up and running for a new year, where, we hope, we can come into the building and see one another.
Our sanctuary should be ready for a “sneak peek” and also services by October 15, 2021, the date of Rabbi Moss’s installation. It won’t be perfect, but we should be able to be together on that Friday night and every Friday night after that.
While the building won’t be complete for High Holiday services, our Religious Activities Committee and clergy are already beginning to plan so that, come what may, we will figure out a good way to all celebrate and observe together. Look for those plans to come out in the near future.
As the world slowly starts to open up again, TBT is going to do the same. I look forward to seeing you all in the upcoming year – it has been a long time of being physically away from one another. In the meantime, if you still have questions, I welcome you to reach out and ask Bruce Topolosky, the Facilities Chair, or me. We’ve been waiting a long time for this future and I am so excited that it is almost here!
Sarah Mervine