President's Column - March 2025

As we step into March, our synagogue is filled with excitement for Purim, one of the most􀀠joyous and meaningful celebrations of the Jewish year. While costumes, hamantaschen,􀀠and noisemakers add to the fun, Purim is ultimately a story of resilience, courage, and the􀀠power of community.

The story of Esther reminds us that even in times of uncertainty, we have both the ability􀀠and the responsibility to stand up for one another. It teaches us that hidden miracles often􀀠shape our lives and that joy and laughter can be powerful acts of strength. In a world that􀀠can sometimes feel overwhelming, Purim calls us to come together, find light in the􀀠darkness, and celebrate the blessings of our community.

This year, I invite each of you to embrace the spirit of Purim. Join us for the Megillah reading and Purim spiel on Thursday, March 13, at 7 PM—and let’s make some noise together! I’ll be bringing my homemade, wooden grogger, which I crafted when I was 12 years old.􀀠Our talented cantorial soloist, Rachel Policar, will be leading the spiel, making this an event you won’t􀀠want to miss. Most importantly, take this opportunity to reach out to others—send mishloach manot, give tzedakah, and spread the joy of the season.

Purim also reminds us of the importance of joy as a unifying force in our community. Through song,􀀠dance, and laughter, we strengthen our bonds and affirm our shared values. This year, let’s extend􀀠 the spirit of Purim beyond the holiday itself, carrying its lessons of courage, generosity, and 􀀠celebration into our daily lives.

As we laugh, sing, and celebrate, let us draw inspiration from Esther and Mordechai, remembering􀀠that even small actions can make a difference. Our synagogue is blessed to be a place where we􀀠 support and uplift one another—not just on Purim, but throughout the year.

This theme of unity and joy extends beyond Purim—it’s a value we uphold year-round and one we􀀠will celebrate in a grand way at our Annual Gala on June 7. Just as Purim brings us together with 􀀠purpose and joy, our Gala will be an opportunity to honor the heart and soul of our congregation—the people who make TBT a warm, vibrant home for all. Mark your calendars, because this will be a􀀠 night to remember!

Our Annual Gala will be an evening of celebration, gratitude, and inspiration. We will honor the􀀠 incredible contributions of our members, enjoy delicious food, and revel in the joy of our thriving􀀠 community. The night will be filled with music, entertainment, and meaningful connections, as well as 􀀠silent and live auctions. This is a wonderful opportunity to come together in the same spirit of Purim,􀀠 celebrating the strength and unity of our congregation.

We are currently seeking sponsors for our Gala, as well as auction items. If you have a vacation home􀀠or a unique experience you can offer, please reach out to the Gala Committee—the more􀀠 contributions we receive, the more we can benefit TBT. Your support makes all the difference, and􀀠we look forward to celebrating with you all!

Josh Broder,
TBT President