President's Column - December 2021

Dear TBT Friends,

I’ve been thinking a lot about the Maccabees recently. That isn’t where my mind usually is at Chanukah time. I am usually thinking about latkes, candles, the happiness of having friends and family together, and a rush of gift giving. While I might tell the Chanukah story in some form, I’m never really focusing on the Maccabees. And, in the past, to the extent I ever did think about them, I usually think about a small group of people standing up for what they believe in, a surprise win of a war and then a greater surprise of the miracle of the oil lasting.

There is a part in the story that my brain almost always skips – as do most children’s books and re-tellings—the part when the Maccabees reenter the temple, before the miracle of light. I never thought much about how they must have felt when they came back and saw the destruction. As Rabbi Moss told us last month, it was quite a mess – things knocked over, unkosher animal parts strewn about—it wasn’t for the faint of heart.

It is hard not to draw some parallels here to what is happening at TBT (minus the animal parts!). Like the Maccabees, we were kept out of our Temple for a long time. The “oppressor” was very different – COVID, and the other factors, renovation, were actually good reasons, not bad. Yet, like the Maccabees, I feel certain many of us would like nothing more than to rededicate our new space as soon as possible.

When I walk in now, I see the great progress we are making but, I will just say it, there is work to be done! All of that work can sometimes feel overwhelming. Are we going to enter our new building soon? Can we finish it all? And, at the same time, as we have raised almost $6.5 million towards our goal of 8 million dollars, I worry about making it all the way there.

Yet, this Chanukah season, I am taking comfort and guidance from those Maccabees. They charged right into that Temple, took a look around and started to clean it up. They didn’t even have 6.5 days of light towards the 8 they needed – they only had light for one day. They had a real mess – and no general contractor and knowledgeable people working night and day.

So what inspired them in their rededication? Perhaps it was all in the way they saw things. Maybe they didn’t see a mess – they saw an opportunity. They were seeing what would be, not what was. They must have had great faith, faith not only in their G-d but also in themselves, to work hard and finish the job. And they must have had hope, hope that it would all work out. And out of that faith and hope we know what came next – the miracle of light.

So, as we look at our own unfinished building today – and maybe other things in our life that feel unfinished and hard to complete – let's take stock of our ancestors. At the same time as I think about our past, I am also thinking about our future and what we will do in our brand new building, once the hard work is over. As the Maccabees taught, there is real light at the end of the tunnel. Looking forward to seeing you all there soon.

Sarah Mervine

Rabbi's Column - December 2021

Dear Friends,

As I write this letter, the joyous festival of Chanukah has just begun. Is it any coincidence that so many global cultures — ours, of course among them — observe winter holidays by kindling flames? The essential message of Chanukah is that great miracles are possible, even in the darkest times.

The four letters on the dreidel, nun, gimel, hey, shin stand for the Hebrew phrase nes gadol hayah sham: A great miracle happened there. This makes sense for a fairly young tradition (dreidel) that developed in the diaspora.

But did you know that it’s possible to find dreidels with other letters written on them? I have one that comes from Israel. That dreidel has a different final letter: peh, which stands for po (“here” instead of “there”). In Israel, folks celebrate the miracle locally!

I like to keep both of these dreidels in my collection. That way, I remember that the story of Chanukah took place in our homeland; but the possibilities of the miraculous exist in every land.

Another spiritual component of this holiday is the placement of the Chanukiyah (Chanukah menorah). We are told to place the lit chanukiyah near a window or in a box near the entrance of our home. This is called pirsum ha-nes, or the public display of the miracle. The joyful remembrance is meant to be shared with others!

And of course, as the days grow shorter and darkness lingers, we all crave a bit of light and connection. Luckily, our in-person Shabbat Services are running strong at Camp Laurelwood! If you haven’t yet given our temporary service space a try, you will be surprised by how accessible and convenient it is. We meet in Zachs Rec Hall, just about a 20 second drive straight down the hill from Laurelwood’s main gate. You can park right there. We now have improved lighting and a ramp for accessibility.

Our first three Friday nights of December all feature something special: December 3rd is our community bringyour-own-chanukiyah service, as well as our new student consecration! On December 10, we will welcome guest shlichim (New Haven emissaries from Israel). Then on December 17, we will celebrate a joyous “Camp Shabbat,” with special songs and activities for kids and families. Please refer to your Shofar Blast for the details. We can’t wait to see you there. And in the meantime, I wish you and your family very sincerely,

a Chag Urim Sameach - Happy Chanukah,
Rabbi Moss

President's Column - November 2021

Dear TBT Friends,

If someone would have told me that in 5782 we would welcome our new rabbi in a barn, I am not sure I would have believed them. Then again, if someone would have told me I would have my daughter’s bat mitzvah service at a summer camp, I am not sure that would have made sense either. Certainly I would have been confused to know about Friday Shabbat services on the lawn of a church!

And yet, that is what we have done this year – a barn, a camp, a lawn of a church, even Simchat Torah on a basketball court – and it has all been truly wonderful. As someone said to me, it took a pandemic for us to realize just how pleasant it is to pray outside.

More than anything, it has taught me just how much TBT likes to come together – virtually or in odd places – and how being together, praying together and celebrating together is one thing that remains joyful in the pandemic.

Welcoming Rabbi Moss to TBT in that barn was no exception. Many of you came out in person or online to watch his installation and I really thank you for being a part of it all. It was a celebration not only of Rabbi Moss, but also of the strength of TBT and the community, people and clergy that have helped us grow into the congregation we are today.

One day very soon we are going to be in our newly renovated building – where we will have some covered outdoor space as well as new indoor space to gather. We know that when we can all be back together safely inside of our new building will be a great day. And yet I hope we remember our resilience through this time and note that the original pioneering spirit of TBT has not died down. It is that spirit we will take with us to our newly completed building. I look forward to that day but, in the meantime, I also look forward to running into you – at Camp Laurelwood, on a hiking path, on a Zoom or in the TBT parking lot!

Sarah Mervine

Rabbi's Column - November 2021

Dear Friends,

Is there anything better than autumn in Connecticut? Nature puts on a glorious show for us. Amidst the colorful leaves and cooler temperatures continue to enjoy the out-of-doors together, whether on a Kol Ami hike, Israeli folk dancing with our teens, or singing together with Cantor Boyle in our Religious School Tefilah. Of course, we are all looking forward to re-entering our sanctuary and social hall again in the near future. But more on that in a minute.

This year, autumn also brings us into the holiday of Chanukah. Like the High Holidays, it comes a little bit early this year: we light the first candle the evening of Sunday, November 28. We all know about the bright twinkling lights of the Menorah, the spinning dreidel games, and the irresistible aroma of potato latkes. But there are a few other things about Chanukah that perhaps you did not know. Three of them are especially relevant this year:

First - Chanukah means “Dedication.” The first Chanukah came about following a military victory: an ancient band of Jewish fighters against the Seleucid (‘Greek”) Empire over 2000 years ago. But the name of the holiday comes from a religious symbol: the rededication of the Temple after it was defiled under the orders of King Antiochus. The famous story of the long-lasting oil came on the scene only hundreds of years after the historic dedication of the Temple and its altar. If you want to read more, here’s an entertaining look at the development of this minor holiday.

Second - Chanukah is actually a delayed Sukkot. Yes, you read that correctly! The persecutions of Antiochus made it impossible for the Jews to celebrate this autumn holiday, which was in Temple times the most significant festival on the Jewish calendar. So according to an ancient text called II Maccabees, the Maccabees took up the Lulav and Etrog and celebrated a delayed Sukkot. That’s the first historical answer to the question: why is Chanukah eight days long? The story of eight days of oil first appeared in the Talmud, around 600 years later.

Third - The dedication happened before the work was complete. Speaking of that story, we have all heard the tale of the little cruse of oil that was supposed to last for only one day but instead burned for eight. Remember, this took place in the midst of a war. The setting of that story indicates that the Temple was in shambles during this “dedication.” The holy vessels had been plundered and the altar was covered in un-kosher pig parts. Gross!

And yet — the Maccabees decided to hold their dedication even in the midst of the mess. I hope that we will take this lesson to heart. We won’t have to wait until our own sanctuary feels “finally ready” to appreciate it; to sanctify it; to explore it; and to think of it as ‘home.’ I look forward to seeing you at the TBT campus in days to come. Because even if the work isn’t yet done, we can still gather together in our sacred home. I wish you and your family a beautiful autumn season, and a Happy Chanukah!

Rabbi Moss

Rabbi's Column - October 2021

Dear Friends,

This year, the month of October mostly corresponds to the Hebrew month of Cheshvan. Cheshvan, or Marcheshvan (“bitter” Cheshvan), is devoid of Jewish holidays — hence the bitter nickname the ancient rabbis assigned it.

But there’s nothing bitter about October at TBT! To the contrary: with our autumn holidays in the rearview mirror, there is still so much to look forward to! Our Religious School is off to a terrific start, and our Men’s Club and Kol Ami have an exciting roster of events. Our teens gathered for Confirmation, j-Chat, and their first SALTY event of the year: a “Great Gatsby” - themed Havdalah party!

Furthermore, this is a month of joyful transitions, as I have the privilege of being formally installed as Temple Beth Tikvah’s Rabbi at Shabbat Services on Friday, October 15th. I hope to see many of you in person for a festive outdoor oneg at 5:30pm at Dudley Farm, followed by the service at 6:30pm. Please carefully read the enclosed information about the service, which will take place both in person (advance registration required) and on Zoom.

Finally, we are starting to receive some wonderful responses to the question, “Why be Jewish in 2021?” If you would like to share your thoughts, feel free to send your reflections to! In the future we will find forums to share and discuss your thoughtful responses.

October is far and away my favorite month on the secular calendar. The weather is crisp and delightful; the autumn bounty brings us aromas of milled cider and pumpkin pie; and who could possibly deny the exceptional beauty of the New England foliage? Yes, blessings abound in this season of abundance. I am so glad to we can share them together.

תיִׁשאֵרְּב הֶׂשֲעַמ הֶׂשֹוע ,םָלֹועָה ְךֶלֶמ ּוניֵהֹלֱא הָוֹהְי הָּתַא ְךּורָּב

Baruch Atah Adonai - Oseh Ma’aseh B’reishit.

Blessed are You, Eternal God, for the miracles of creation!

Bivracha (Blessings),
Rabbi Moss

President's Column - September 2021

Dear Friends,

The Jewish New Year always has me reflecting on my intentions for the upcoming year and what can be accomplished and changed within it. At the same time, it corresponds to the new school year, and I watch my children and their teachers do the same. They attempt to begin again while continuing to deal with the realities of the day.

Driving my youngest into her first day of school, we were welcomed by teachers standing outside, a bubble machine and loud music. I had to smile at the thought that went into welcoming children back in another pandemic year when we had hoped it was all in the rear view mirror. They were doing their best to make school a friendly, welcoming place. However, as we got closer, I could hear the music more clearly and I caught my breath. The song that happened to be on when I dropped her off? “Drive into the Danger Zone.” I kid you not. I let her out as they were blaring “Drive into the Danger Zone. Gonna take you right into the Danger Zone!” Oy.

Driving home I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry. For how many of us have experienced the exact same thing? We and others try so hard in this pandemic to do the right thing (Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask? Hug and shake or say hello from a distance? Meet in person for services or spend another one on Zoom). And, yet, often the right thing feels like the wrong thing to someone else. And while we have given our decision a lot of thought (like the teachers who said, we will play some music!) we often fall short of our goals (as the kids face the “Danger Zone”).

TBT has felt those same conflicting goals. We want to be together in large groups to welcome our new Rabbi, celebrate the High Holidays and for many other gatherings and, yet, for the sake of our community, we often cannot. Despite it all, the one message that isn’t conflicted is that we are a community at TBT and we will do whatever we can to help all of our members (and soon to be or potential members) come together and support one another.

To that end, we have not stopped building our new space to welcome all of us in the very near future. While that may seem like a conflicted message as we meet for the High Holidays on Zoom, we believe we are continuing to build for our future, for a day very soon where we will come together in our new building to do the wonderful work of the community. After all, we are the “House of Hope!” We understand that our work today will benefit us all into the future.

We look forward to the day very soon when we do not have any conflicting messages, and our doors are once again open wide (with technology to support those who are at home). In the meantime, please know how much all of the members of the Board, the clergy and staff appreciate your efforts and support during this time, and how much we look forward to being together again, in our new building, in the new year ahead.

Shana Tova,
Sarah Mervine

Rabbi's Column - September 2021

Dear Friends,

Amidst the hubbub of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, we sometimes minimize our other autumn holidays: Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah. Yet Sukkot, our time of bounty and building, has never been more relevant for us. And not just because we can gather safely together outside. Please allow me to explain.

Rosh HaShanah, as we know, comes first in our holiday sequence. At Rosh HaShanah we envision the world as we wish it to be. “Hayom harat olam,” we read in the prayer book: “today the world is [literally] pregnant” with potential. Everything is possible.

And yet, ten days later, we confront the world as it is: beautiful, but broken; in need of repair. The same is true of our relationships and ourselves. So, we live briefly but quite intensely in the gap between the ideal and the real. We begin to make amends and confront the work that lies ahead. Then, just after ne’ilah, we begin to rebuild. Some drive the first nails into the sukkah that evening to symbolize that their rebuilding begins immediately.

Rabbi Irwin Kula teaches us to question why we “hire” the Jewish holidays? How can they help and guide us through life’s journey? In 5782, these Days of Awe are like a mirror that reflects the jarring fits and starts of our pandemic-challenged world. We gaze into that mirror and discern the gap between the world we wish for and the one we’ve got. A post-Covid world is visible, yet distant. The sadness we feel at delayed arrivals should stir us to build toward that world. Reflecting on the year gone by helps us appreciate the magnitude of this struggle, and also the progress we have made so far.

Each year we spiral around the Jewish calendar and find ourselves somewhere different, but perhaps not as different as we had hoped. Yet — and Judaism is unambiguous about this — change is always possible. We’ve all heard ‘two steps forward, one step back.’ If we focus exclusively on the one step, it looks like we’re only going backwards. But it isn’t so.

True, we must notice the gap. But only to inspire us to get to work. The holiday of Sukkot, then, reminds us of all we might build in the year to come: healthy personal choices, stronger relationships, growth toward our goals, and even, heaven-willing, wonderful new synagogue spaces to call our very own.

Moadim L’simcha - may the autumn holidays bring joy to you and your families.

Rabbi Danny Moss

President's Column - Summer 2021

It is a summer of changes for all, and most especially TBT.  While our towns slowly open up as many are vaccinated and the summer allows us to go outdoors and see one another again, TBT is also going through its own metamorphosis in so many ways.

The first, and most obvious, is the physical structure.  We are in the middle of the renovation project, and you can drive by and see the framing of the new areas.  Things are coming together, and we hope to have our new building ready by the end of 2021, and a sanctuary before then.  We look forward to the day, very soon, where we can be together in our new space.

The Capital Campaign is also changing, as we are getting closer to our goal.  Many have given to make this building a reality and we are grateful for all of the support we have received from our wonderful congregants.  Most recently we had a matching gift of up to $750,000 and to date we have raised over $150,000 towards that match.  Things are going so well that the matching gift has been extended through the summer and up until the first day of Rosh Hashanah!  If you are able to give during this time, we appreciate it, as your gift will be matched dollar for dollar.

Finally, the biggest change is that our beloved Rabbi Offner is now our beloved Rabbi Emerita, and she and we are thrilled to welcome Rabbi Danny Moss this summer.  Rabbi Moss was a unanimous choice of our committee and of all who met him during the interview process.  He is a natural fit for TBT, and we are so happy to welcome him and his wife, Rabbi Susan Landau Moss, into the congregation.  He brings with him fresh ideas but also a deep respect for what we have built here.  I am sure you are as excited to meet him as I am to introduce him to our whole community, so please look through this shofar and sign up for one of the many meet and greets with him, or stop by at the next service.  We cannot wait to see what Rabbi Moss will add to our community! 

The one thing that hasn’t changed this summer is that the TBT community, while separated over the past year, has continued to maintain our ties and our connection.  I can’t wait to be together again soon, which will surely be the best change of all!

- Sarah Mervine

Rabbi's Column - Summer 2021

Dear Friends,

This is a season of transitions. Summer has arrived, and with it, a new sense of possibility. We are stepping out more and socializing with family and friends face-to-face. As I write this, my social media feed is full of smiles: kids arriving at summer camp for the first time in two years! Although much has changed, ‘“normal life” is finally starting to feel within reach.

As you know, this is also a time of significant transition for TBT. I am so deeply honored to serve as your new rabbi, effective July 1st. Many people have been working behind the scenes to make this transition a smooth one: Marlene Schwartz and Karen Goldberg, our Transition Committee Co-Chairs; Sarah Mervine; and my staff and clergy partners: Kim, Bonnie, and Cantor Boyle. I’d especially like to recognize Rabbi Offner. Over the course of many months she has been both generous with her time and gracious in welcoming me as her successor.

I hope you’ll indulge me in a few words of introduction. My wife Susan (pictured with me, below) and I recently relocated to the Shoreline from Norwalk, where we have lived for the last four years while I served a congregation in Westport. Susan, who is also a rabbi, works as a chaplain on the palliative care team at Bridgeport Hospital. We look forward to getting to know you throughout the summer.

In fact, I hope to meet as many families as possible before the High Holy Days! To that end, please consider attending one of the many gatherings we have planned for July and August. Some meetings are scheduled for the daytime, and others at night; some will take place in congregants’ homes and still others will convene on zoom. We hope you’ll find a time and location that aligns with your family’s needs. If you can’t, though, just send an email to Bonnie and we’ll find another time.

As we enter an era that feels at once familiar and brand new, many of us are following the building renovation progress eagerly. Although the timeline for completion has changed slightly from the initial estimate, our professional staff and RAC volunteers have been working diligently to find solutions for both in-person and online access which will give honor and sanctity to our holiest time of year. Rest assured: our High Holy Day observances will be wonderful, meaningful, and spiritually revitalizing.

Transitions can be challenging, but they are also full of tremendous promise. As we prepare to open the book of life for the upcoming Hebrew year of 5782, I feel blessed to be starting a new chapter, together.

Bivracha (Blessings),
Rabbi Danny Moss