Rabbi Stacy Offner will share her Jewish Journey Thursday May 13th at 7:30 PM via Zoom.
Rabbi Offner is next up in TBT’s Jewish Journey Series. All TBT congregants are welcome to attend as Rabbi Offner tells us about her upbringing and what led to her choice to become a Rabbi, what it was like to be one of the few women in rabbinical school, and how she experienced being the first openly gay rabbi in a mainstream synagogue in the USA. Rabbi Offner has been a pioneer in the rabbinate in many ways and is taking this time, before her retirement, to reflect upon her Jewish Journey. This will be her gift to us. Be prepared to be inspired.
REGISTER by email office@tbtshoreline.org or call TBT (203) 245-7028
Sponsored by: 2 Way L’Dor V’Dor • Kol Ami • Men’s Club. • Farewell Committee
This program is made possible, in part, by Temple Beth Tikvah’s 2 Way L’Dor V’Dor program, with support from a Community Grant for the Jewish Elderly from the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven. The project aims to increase opportunities for social connection and intergenerational understanding by inviting congregants of all ages to interact.
The program will be recorded and may be shared. Please keep your camera off if you prefer not to have your image recorded.
Save June 9 at 7:30 PM for the next Jewish Journey program featuring Irv Schloss.
Save June 18 at 7:15 PM for Rabbi Offner’s Farewell Service.