Dear Friends,
At Sukkot we consider: What makes a house a home?
We are taught to treat the spartan Sukkah as our permanent home during this period, humbling us to remember the vulnerability of displacement.
Many of you have been a part of the TBT Family since before the renovation. You patiently awaited returning to our own space while meeting just about everywhere else on the Shoreline. You came with your children — everyone with smiles and a can-do attitude— to our gravel parking lot for our weekly Religious School T’filah! You put up with zoom and in-person; and came masked and then unmasked and back again — over several years. And to those who are new to TBT, welcome! We know how much you love our new space, as well! We won’t subject you to Torah-in-the-trunk anytime soon.
Finally, we are home. We have a gorgeous, comfortable, accessible building and a beautifully landscaped campus. What can we say other than Modim Anachnu (we are so grateful!). The wait was well worth it. I’d like to thank you all for your patience and resilience in the last few years. I’d like to offer a heartfelt todah rabbah (thank you very much) to all who helped with the renovation and contributed to our Capital Campaign to build our TBT home.
The truth is that this work is not yet done. In order to complete the project and plant the seeds for TBT’s flourishing financial future, we need your help. Please consider a gift to our Capital Campaign so that we can cover the full cost of the most ambitious, critical project in TBT’s modern history. If you haven’t yet given, this is the time when we need you. If you’ve already given, thank you for considering another gift. Since announcing our matching gift challenge (through October 8), we have already raised $275,000 in new donations and pledges! Won’t you add your support? Please contact Karen Goldberg, Suzy Frisch, or Kim Romine for more information. And again, Todah Rabbah!
I hope you will join us as we say “thank you” to everyone who brought this project to fruition. Our weekend of gratitude (November 3-4) will include a special Shabbat evening service in appreciation of leaders and volunteers at TBT and throughout the broader community. The following night is our gala — bring your dancing shoes! Stay tuned for signup information coming soon.
Every minute in the Sukkah reminds us of the gifts of safety, security, family, and future. In a word, TBT. I feel so blessed to share this Sukkat Shalom (peaceful home) with all of you.
Bivracha (Blessings),
Rabbi Moss